Let us say you are done with your first degree and you are contemplating a masters degree, it is definitely more expensive to get a degree outside the country, but it is worth it. Why?
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ely to ensure that you have a better chance in the job market than those who have only a first degree. While it is sad, it is also important to note that employers tend to look with more favor on your cv if your degree was not gotten in Nigeria. Why? this brings us to the second reason.
The quality of education outside Nigeria in developed countries is far higher, the presence of corruption and a very poor educational standard has reduced the quality of Nigerian education, therefore, if you hope to get quality for your money, it is far better to get a Masters Degree from a developed country, rather than a developing one.
3. Time Frame
For many, time is a very important factor, as it should be. In Nigeria, the educational system is plagued by strikes, long and short ones, so much so that a program that should take you about a year might end up taking far more than that. However this is not the case in a developed country, therefore if time is of the essence, you are better off getting the degree in a developed country.
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