Being treated like a sex object naturally happens more to the more physically attractive and/or provocatively dressed women and can indeed be annoying and frustrating especially when a woman is trying to work as hard as she can to assert herself as an educated, intelligent and successful individual, who wants to make a statement in this world not only as a woman but as a professional.
So, if you are one of those women who feels like she
is being objectified at the wrong time in the wrong place – what can you do about it and should you do anything about the looks and the innuendos you get at all?
You have two options. The first one is to try to fight the men’s perception of you by calling them on their behavior, raising your “bitch shields” when you are out in a social or professional environment, and otherwise making yourself appear as a tougher woman. This, however, will hardly achieve any positive results. For obvious reasons, you cannot change men and the way they operate. By becoming a toughe” woman you are likely to hurt yourself more than help. Having an antagonistic mindset toward men can be a serious social obstacle. It’s easy to spot a woman who is “angry” at men and not too many people want to work with such a woman or socialize with her.
A much better and wiser approach is embracing and understanding men’s nature. It doesn’t mean that you have to agree with it or endorse, but understanding where it’s coming from and not denying its origin that’s rooted dep in the male physiology can be very helpful. It is very important that you accept this extremely powerful male drive to perceive women as sexual objects first and foremost, before they see anything else in that female, especially if she is very attractive. No one should tolerate disrespectful, unduly suggestive, unwelcome behavior, and you shouldn’t be putting up with harassment or degrading sexual comments from men. However, knowing and truly accepting the fact that you are a sexual object to men first , that it’s absolutely natural and normal for men to perceive you as such, and that it is actually a compliment to you, is crucial to your understanding men and being able to get along with individual members of the opposite sex as well as the male kind overall.
It so happens that women who understand men on that “guys” level get much more respect and come across as much more attractive and desirable women for dating and relationships that those women who are uptight and attempt to make men feel guilty about who they are and what they naturally desire.
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